Computer tips this time is not a secret anymore and has been very often discussed by the blog admin who frequently discusses blig Computer Tips like this blog. Who will discuss this time is Computer Tips How to move the cursor without Mouse. These tips only work on computers only, and not used for Laptops, a laptop so it is driving the cursor and it works without a mouse. Here are tips computer.
1. First you simultaneously press the ALT key + Shift + NumLock on keybord left.
2. After appearing MouseKeys windows, you click on Settings and check the option Use MouseKeys.
3. And if it is, you try to move the cursor with the number keys on the keybord (for clicks you use button 5, and the rest of the number keys to move the cursor right or left, to drag and dropnya you use the insert with combination with number keys simultaneously.
Similarly, Computer Tips How to move the cursor without Mouse, hopefully can be utilized in emergency situations where your mouse such damage.
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